
Our Mission:

The Rock Prairie Master Gardener Association, located in Rock County, Wisconsin, is the 42nd association of the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program.

This blog is used to distribute timely information to association members regarding volunteer opportunities, MGV highlights, and other social tid bits.

Horticulture related information is to be directed to the Horticulture Educator or the Plant Health Advisors.

This blog is not for garden related questions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March Master Gardener Update


Yesterday while cruising through my newsfeed on Facebook I ran across one of those little "Looking Back" or whatever they call it thingies where they show posts from exactly a year ago.  In that post from a year ago at almost the end of February I had posted that during what was sure to be the last snowstorm of the winter, I had errands to run and when I pulled up in front of my house I saw three or four robins had made their way home and were sitting in my crabapple tree, their feathers covered with snowflakes, shivering with cold.  Here we are, a year later and with almost perfect precision the orange-breasted little birds have done it again - made it back to Wisconsin while the residents of our fair city were still wearing winter coats.  Can we trust their weather prediction and trust their instincts that spring is really on the horizon?  

Remember that we will be having a meeting this coming Thrusday evening, via Zoom.  Log on a few minutes early to get your bearings and get settled. Remember that we now have our very own subscription to Zoom so we can have meetings that are longer than those offered under the free version.  I'll be sending out a reminder complete with the link to the meeting so you don't have to hunt through your old emails to find it.  Please join us on Thursday.  It should be fun.



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