
Our Mission:

The Rock Prairie Master Gardener Association, located in Rock County, Wisconsin, is the 42nd association of the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program.

This blog is used to distribute timely information to association members regarding volunteer opportunities, MGV highlights, and other social tid bits.

Horticulture related information is to be directed to the Horticulture Educator or the Plant Health Advisors.

This blog is not for garden related questions.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Improving the blog - making it easier to find links.

Hello, everyone:

One of our members has been having trouble finding and clicking on links to our Newsletters.

I am going to try to find a way to make the links more visible and easier to use.

I'd like you to tell me which of the two links below are easiest for you to understand and to use.



JUNE NEWSLETTER (click here)


June newsletter (click here)

Thanks, everyone!!

Let me know if either, or neither of these, works for you.