
Our Mission:

The Rock Prairie Master Gardener Association, located in Rock County, Wisconsin, is the 42nd association of the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program.

This blog is used to distribute timely information to association members regarding volunteer opportunities, MGV highlights, and other social tid bits.

Horticulture related information is to be directed to the Horticulture Educator or the Plant Health Advisors.

This blog is not for garden related questions.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

FEBRUARY PROGRAM - Keeping your tools sharp with Paul Haen

Paul Haen 

Thursday, February 4, at 5:30 pm, professional tool sharpener, Paul D Haen of the Sharp Edge, will share his expertise on how to keep your gardening tools sharp.  He'll demonstrate proper technique, and explain the basics of good tool care.  In addition, he'll sharpen tools for us.  Just bring your favorites to Craig Center at the Rock County Fairgrounds and he'll help you get them ready in plenty of time for the growing season. 
Dirty, rusty and dull.

Haen has been a professional tool sharpener for 14 years. He works his magic out of the back of a pickup truck - at farmer's markets, festivals and events around the area. His business doesn't have a website, or a Facebook page, or a Twitter account.  He doesn't advertise using huge billboards or newspaper ads. His business is advertised by word of mouth and business cards and he likes that just fine.

Paul Haen's main mode of advertising.

Every gardener knows that a sharp tool make the work go easier.  Simple tools like hoes and shovels, hori hori knives and trowels work better when their cutting edges are sharp and clean. So, bring your favorite tools.  He'll sharpen the first one for free. After that, depending on the item, the cost for sharpening will be less than $5 each.

Clean, sharp and ready for spring.
This is an approved Master Gardener program which will award you 2 Continuing Education Units  (CEUs) for attending.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excellent! Looking forward to it!

  3. An excellent workshop, it will help our frozen fingers limber up. Tools that are well designed and properly maintained make a major difference in a gardener's efficiency. Sooner than we think we cope with the rush of Spring. You know the pressure..stuff happens and everything seems to need to be done by yesterday.
