
Our Mission:

The Rock Prairie Master Gardener Association, located in Rock County, Wisconsin, is the 42nd association of the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program.

This blog is used to distribute timely information to association members regarding volunteer opportunities, MGV highlights, and other social tid bits.

Horticulture related information is to be directed to the Horticulture Educator or the Plant Health Advisors.

This blog is not for garden related questions.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Who knew sharpening tools could be so much fun ?

Paul Haen, the Sharp Edge tool sharpener, was a big hit at Thursday evening's RPMGA tool sharpening workshop.

Attendees were given an opportunity to watch Haen work, and get a few of their favorite tools sharpened as well.

He gave invaluable advice on a small but select number of tools to use to care for garden tools.  A diamond steel, a "dogbone" wrench, files and lubricants like WD40 or silicone spray.

Paul Haen introducing attendees to his specialty.

Demonstrating the "dogbone" wrench.

Attendees waiting for their turn with the sharpener.

Haen showed attendees how to make a completely
serviceable scabbard for a knife by using
cardboard, WD40 and duct tape.
The item just behind the spray cans is an
example he put together for the group.

Working on a tool using a machine that came from
Australia that he has used since he began his business.
Necessary tools.  Tape, a safety glove, a diamond steel
and a "dogbone" wrench.

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