Applications were submitted to Christy Marsden who reviewed them then passed them on to the entire RPMGA Advisory Committee for review. The Advisory Committee approved both unanimously. Each student was awarded $250 to cover the cost of their MGV program.
Ken, originally from Michigan, is the father of four and guardian of a fifth child. He has been actively involved in horticulture since his youth and according to his extensive resume' he plans to use his MGV education to help area residents explore their own goals in horticulture and specifically to further the education of area Boy Scouts by developing a merit badge project and working as a Gardening Merit Badge Counselor with the long range goal of qualification for the BSA Hornaday Environmental Award.
Amanda expressed a passionate desire to be a part of the UWEX program to help promote the goals of the MGV program by using the education she will receive through the program to assist local gardeners in their horticulture endeavors.
By completing and signing the scholarship form, and subsequent to Horticulture Educator and Advisory Committee approval the recipients of the scholarships agree to complete all the requirements to become a MGV by 2016 including Level 1 training and the required 24 hours of volunteer service.
The RPMGA Advisory Committee is always searching for individuals who would be interested in working with us on projects like a Scholarship Committee. If you are interested in serving on that committee or in any capacity, please contact any of the members of the Advisory Committee or our Horticulture Advisor, Christy Marsden for more information.
Members include:
Ruth Flescher
Bev Drew
Deb Grams
Mary Kay Thompson
Peg Lockman
Mary Louise Johnson
Christina Finley
Rose Last
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